Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Response - Week 2

This week, I'm going to discuss the selection process for the Spring Preview mock-ups. There were several excellent options. I was especially impressed with Michelle Pais' and Theresa Berens', both of which were extremely polished and refined. Unfortunately, in an attempt to spread the design opportunities (because there are so few with so many designers), the feature was divided into cover (Allison Heisdorffer), splash page (me) and calendar pages (Haleigh Castino). This is not to suggest that Allison and Haleigh did not create excellent options — they did, and this is certainly much of the reason theirs were chosen. That said, Michelle's and Theresa's were eliminated in large part because their ideas were so singular and separate conceptually from the rest of the options, which made it impossible to marry their idea with any of the rest. This is a problem that is likely unique to this issue because there is no central theme other than the season, which we were told to avoid altogether. For future feature/cover pairings, the story will be much more focused and I don't see this being an issue. For the time being, I would just like to assure everyone that, even though your designs were not chosen for publications, many of them were incredible and make great portfolio pieces.

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