Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Allow myself to introduce ... myself

My name is Aaron Channon, and I am currently Art Director of Vox Magazine. I have been in this role since August of last year, and before that I was a department editor, occasional contributor and reporter — in that order. I graduated from the MU School of Journalism (naturally) in 2010 with a degree in Magazine Editing (technically), but I prefer design because it is about breaking limitations more often than making them. So, even though I'm half-art, half-words, I would like my future to lie in design.

The original name of my blog was supposed to be "I now pronounce you man and pen tool," but it was casually suggested that it might not be the most professional option. As it is, I've chosen "Design and Conquer" both because it's clean and clever, but also because it reflects the importance of design. That is, you can in fact conquer through design. As magazine designers, we have full control over how a story reads even though we frequently do not write any of the words.

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